شرکت نورد گرم فلز ( جویا نورد ) تولید کننده انواع ناودانی و نبشی

شماره تماس : 47282 - 021

ساعت کاری 9 الی 17

ساعات اداری


تماس بگیرید


راه ارتباط با ما

درباره ما

گروه صنایع تولیدی نورد گرم فلز با هدف تولید انواع مقاطع فولادی (نورد گرم ) در سال 1373 بصورت شخصیت حقیقی با نام آتا و مجوز رسمی اداره صنایع و معادن استان تهران به شماره 33377 تاسیس شد و از سال 1378 بصورت شخصیت حقوقی و با نام شرکت صنایع تولیدی نورد گرم فلز به شماره ثبت 156958 در اداره ثبت شرکت های استان تهران به ثبت رسید.

اطلاعات تماس


آدرس دفتر مرکزی: فلکه دوم صادقیه،ضلع جنوب غربی،کوچه مصطوفی ،مرکز خرید سامان،طبقه پنجم اداری،واحد1 / 5


47282- 021

About Us

Garm Felez Rolling Manufacturing Industries Group was established in 1994 as a legal entity with the name of Ata under the official license of the Department of Industries and Mines of Tehran Province with the number 33377, aiming to manufacture all kinds of steel sections (hot rolling). Since 1995, it was registered with the name of Garm Felez Manufacturing Industries Company in the Company Registration Office of Tehran Province under registration number 156958.


Company factories

The Garm Felez Company is also able to produce products according to the customer’s needs while based on the modern international standards and with the appearance in accordance with the given analysis. An important point in this company is that our rollers are produced by CNC lathe machines. These machines are very accurate and have a favorable direct effect on the product. And using CNC machining guides as well as PLC electronic and electrical equipment in the rolling line, we are able to raise the quality level of our products. In addition to quality standards, the products manufactured in Garm Felez Company also enjoy the quality management standards to improve the quality of the products.

Factory number one (Adran)

With an annual production capacity of 40,000 tons, all kinds of Angles in the sizes of 50*50, 60*60, 70*70, 75*75, 80*80, 100*100 and all kinds of channels in the sizes 6, 8, 10 and 6 meters and 12 meters.

Factory number two (Shams Abad Industrial City)

With an annual production capacity of 40,000 tons, all kinds of Angles in the sizes of 50*50, 60*60, 70*70, 75*75, 80*80, 100*100 and all kinds of channels in the sizes 6, 8, 10 and 6 meters and 12 meters.

Concentrate factory

It has an annual production capacity of 250,000 tons of iron ore concentrate.